Saturday, August 26, 2006

First Post!

Hey! It's my first post here. I wanted a blog, I guess, I had a Livejournal (for two posts) but I think this place is better for me. There are a lot more cartoonists here, anyway. (Excluding the awesome Jackson Publick, Venture Bros. creator, at his LiveJournal Page.
So, I'll start by moving my my first Livejournal post here, and we'll see how that works out.
Now, motivated by my art-friend, Troy, painting instructor from the Huntington School of Arts, I've decided to study some art histroy, as well as look for artists that influence me. Ones that truly "tickle my fancy" as my Digital Illustration teacher, Mr. Melendez from the East Islip High School would say. Mainly for my own references, but you should check them out too! (More to come, hopefully) :D

John Nevarez
Stephen Silver
Sam Tsui, aka Djehuti
Michael Gagne
CwirkoGodycki8's creature a day thread
Naomi Cheng (I've thrown myself against the wall in jealously of this girl. My god.)
Cha (It's in French, so I can only understand about 25% of the text. I still love the comics and cartoons though.)
(No homepage, just a battle thread he's involved in. I asked him to do a collaboration with me! Should be fun.)
Alexandria Neonakis aka Beavotron
Mooncalfe, author of "Wet Moon"
Claude Bordeleau
James Jean
Lorenzo, of Studio Blink Twice
Mike Krahulik of Penny Arcade. Without this website, I probably wouldn't have gotten "serious" about art, at least, not until much later. In ninth grade, (and much of tenth, oy) I completely stole his style. I think I've supressed this habit to a comfortable place with my own art, but now I'm too generic. Gotta draw more!
Also, art: